Grade 3 EQAO Results
Percentage of Fully Participating Students at or Above the Provincial Standard (Levels 3 and 4) for the 2022–2023 school year.
HDSB Mathematics
- 69% of HDSB Grade 3 students met or exceeded the provincial standards in math
- This represents a
2% increase as compared to the previous year
- The percentage of HDSB students who achieved level 3 or 4 in math
exceeded the provincial average by 9%
HDSB Reading
- 81% of HDSB Grade 3 students met or exceeded the provincial standards in reading
- The percentage of HDSB students who achieved level 3 or 4 in reading
exceeded the provincial average by 8%
HDSB Writing
- 74% of HDSB Grade 3 students met or exceeded the provincial standards in writing
- The percentage of HDSB students who achieved level 3 or 4 in writing
exceeded the provincial average by 9%
Grade 6 EQAO Results
Percentage of Fully Participating Students at or Above the Provincial Standard (Levels 3 and 4) for the 2022–2023 school year.
HDSB Mathematics
63% of HDSB Grade 6 students met or exceeded the provincial standards in math
- This represents a
4% increase as compared to the previous year
- The percentage of HDSB students who achieved level 3 or 4 in math
exceeded the provincial average by 13%
HDSB Reading
- 90 of HDSB Grade 6 students met or exceeded the provincial standards in reading
- The percentage of HDSB students who achieved level 3 or 4 in reading
exceeded the provincial average by 6%
HDSB Writing
90% of HDSB Grade 6 students met or exceeded the provincial standards in writing
- The percentage of HDSB students who achieved level 3 or 4 in writing
exceeded the provincial average by 6%