Transition to Post-Secondary Planning
As students in senior grades prepare for graduation with Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), they enter an exciting yet challenging time in their pathway planning. Secondary school guidance counsellors support students with their post-secondary planning and research to make the transition easier.
Education and career planning occurs throughout high school during specific classes (e.g., grade 10 career studies), during course selection, with class visits or assemblies, and during individual consultations. Throughout grade 12, there is a specific emphasis on post-secondary planning including:
myBlueprint: Online Pathway Planning Tool
myBlueprint is a comprehensive Education and Career Planning online tool that all HDSB students have been using since grade 7. HDSB students login into their myBlueprint account using their HDSB credentials (
student instructions) and families can also create an account (
family instructions).
MyBlueprint has many tools for students and families for
forwards and backwards planning:
Who Am I? Surveys - to learn about your interests and strengths
High School Planner - to plan secondary courses, review graduation requirements, and explore eligibility for post secondary programs
Post Secondary Planner - to learn about post secondary opportunities in Apprenticeship, College, University, and Workplace
Occupations - to explore occupations and related occupations
Money and Budgets - to support financial planning
Job Search - create resumes, cover letters, and search for employment opportunities
Post-Secondary Planning Resources
HDSB Guidance Counsellors have put together these resources for students and families to begin their post-secondary planning.